Author Archives: ECN Staff

Oklahoma Renewable Energy Education Program Survey on STEM Education and Shake Flashlights

Stem Education Flashlights advance student learning.

EcocentricNow is proud to partner with the Oklahoma Renewable Energy Education Program to strengthen its hands-on STEM experiences and curriculum. ECN staff recently had the pleasure of interviewing OREEP representative, Tara Baker, on the importance of STEM education and how ECN’s innovative shake flashlight technology has been an asset to their statewide program. STEM stands […]

What is the Best Outdoor Security Floodlight?

Outdoor security floodlight article cover photo

When the sun goes down and the world goes dark, we rely on the wonder of electricity to provide us safety by way of lighting. When it comes to the safety of our employees, customers, and yourself, outdoor security floodlights can provide that level of security on your property.

Rechargeable Shake Flashlights vs. Crank Flashlight

Rechargeable Shake Flashlights vs Crank Flashlight comparison

Ever-changing technology means we will always have more and more options when it comes to emergency lighting, their power sources, and their functionality. While EcoCentricNow provides numerous options to fit your emergency lighting needs, not all options are a cure-all for every scenario.

Top Safety Lighting Products for First Responders

Safety Lighting for First Responders

Disaster can strike at any time. Always at the ready, first responders leap into action the second duty calls and they need tools that they can trust won’t fail them. When time is of the essence, reliable lighting can mean the difference between life or death.

Best Handheld Solar Light for Camping and Outdoor Use

Handheld Solar Light

The choice is in your hands! Choose the Best Handheld Solar Light for Camping.  Handheld solar lights provide flexible illumination for Camping. The Great Outdoors. Roughing It. No matter how you refer to it, spending time with Mother Nature always poses the need to be prepared. In those dark, starry nights out in the wilderness, […]

Best Solar Flashlight for the Outdoor Enthusiast

best solar flashlights

Engaged in the wonders of the wild, every Outdoor Enthusiast knows that the flashlight is one of the most important tools to have on every adventure. As a safety device, or just a handy way to guide your path, the solar flashlight is a must-have on your next trip. Here are some of the Best Solar Flashlights for the Outdoor Enthusiast!