Fuji EnviroMax Alkaline Batteries. Emergency preparedness, recreation, education, large volume consumers, and eco-friendly customers benefit from purchasing long self-life Fuji EnviroMax Alkaline Batteries in case quantities. Often when severe weather events are forecast store shelves rapidly run out of stock. Maintaining a supply of batteries supports emergency readiness. Recreational organizations with large and small memberships enjoy cost savings by pooling resources. Education organizations including those participating in STEAM education support student learning while reducing cost pressure on strained operating budgets. Fuji’s commitment to eco-friendly batteries, including packaging, is a favorite with a growing audience of customers focused on reducing their disposal waste stream.
EcoCentricNow distributes a variety of Fuji battery case quantity selections (48, 96, 192, 384 and 576 cells) and packaging configurations including blister, shrink-wrap, and clamshell.