Increased thermal energy stored in the Atlantic Ocean is providing fuel for rapidly increasing hurricane intensification. In the journal Scientific Reports a study of 830 Atlantic hurricanes shows a clear pattern of rapid storm development.
Cyclone Trend Analysis Over the Past 50 years
Statistically, 8.1% of the hurricanes occurring between the years 2000 to 2020 exploded from a Category 1 cyclone, wind speeds of 74 to 95 mph, to major Category 3, 4, or 5 cyclones in under 24-hours. For comparison, the period of 1971 to 1990 shows this pattern of rapid storm intensification was observed only 3.2% of the time.
Hurricane wind speed references the Saffir-Simpson wind scale. The U.S. National Hurricane Center classifies hurricanes as Category 3 with wind speeds over 111 mph, Category 4 with wind speeds over 130 mph, and Category 5 storms with wind speeds over 157 mph and higher. Category 5 storms have produced eye wall wind speeds over 180 mph with super storms generating speeds over 200 mph. The impact of these hurricanes is significant devastation from wind and storm surge to homes and buildings, and the natural environment.
The Unpredictable Nature of Rapidly Increasing Hurricane Intensification
Rapidly increasing hurricane intensification is difficult to predict in respect to the time frame the storm will explode into a monster and where landfall will occur. This unpredictability puts citizens at increasing risk, complicates safety manager response plans, and the staging of emergency response personnel.

Hurricane Maria in 2017 impact on Puerto Rico is an example of utter devastation resulting from rapidly increasing hurricane intensification. Within 15 hours Maria’s winds went from 90 to 160 mph. It’s estimated that 3000 people directly or indirectly perished from the storm and most of the islands power grid was destoyed.
Ocean Heat Storage Capacity is Being Stretched
Our oceans operate as giant heat sinks in addition to storage reservoirs of greenhouse gases. According to the study author Andra Garner “We’ve had 90% of the excess warming that humans have caused to the planet going into our oceans.”
Ocean temperatures have reached previously unseen levels earlier this year with water temperatures in the Florida Keys exceeding 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Significant temperature increases are being observed throughout the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, and oceans and seas around the planet.
Energy in… energy out. So long as atmospheric temperatures continue to rise so will ocean temperatures. This feedback loop will continue to fuel more intense cyclones resulting in increased levels of property damage and potential loss of life. For the time being the temperature genie is out of the bag. One step people in impacted areas can take is to be prepared.
Supplies for the Emergency Kit. When Light is Essential!
EcoCentricNow LLC (ECN) distributes an assortment of flashlights, lanterns, headlamps, and emergency equipment that keeps people safe during storms including hurricanes, blizzards, ice storms or other natural disasters. Our shake, crank, and solar lighting equipment is an essential tool for every emergency kit. With zero or marginal maintenance required our lights keep you and your family safe during the worst of times.