Category Archives: Off Grid

Articles about living or experiencing a lifestyle disconnected from or reduced dependent upon the power grid. Posts include using alternative energy including solar, wind and hydroelectric power. In addition, posts about an off-grid lifestyle including gardening, home-shelter construction, and the joys and challenges of living off-line.

Electrical Blackout Meal Preparation. Cooking the Old-fashioned Way. 

Fallen tree across powerline creates electrical blackout

A power outage for many Americans means hardship. Especially when it comes to cooking a meal. In the past, toasters, microwaves, and electric ovens didn’t exist, yet people successfully cooked hearty, flavorful meals for their families. Tasty meal preparation during an electrical blackout can be a simple and enjoyable experience.  Electrical cooking appliances ended daily […]

How Bright Should a Survival Flashlight Be? Is Beam Output the Only Consideration?

survival flashlight

Survival Flashlight: The Brightest Flashlight is Frequently Not the Best Choice. How Bright Should a Survival Flashlight Be? We all know seeing in the dark is essential for safety and enduring difficult situations. We also know a critical tool for viewing your surroundings during a power outage or during an outdoor adventure like camping, hiking, […]